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Get That Sh*t Done! | Lead By Amanda L. Quick of Amanda L. Quick Coaching


Get That Sh*t Done! | Lead By Amanda L. Quick of Amanda L. Quick Coaching

Have you ever gone through your day and said, “Dang it. I need to actually fully finish that!” But, then another task calls your name so once again you leave it 75% of the way completed?

I’m hoping I’m not the only one here!

Mine…HoneyBook templates.

At one time they were complete…but then as things change…things are not so complete.

So…because I’m a fan of doing the “not always fun, but necessary” work with others we’re going to come in and be intentional about 1 thing that needs to be finished.

It can be something that’s been on your list or something that you have due next week. Shoot, it can even be something you just want 45 minutes to work on - that’s up to you.

So, bring your thing, and let’s get it completed!

What do you need for this event?
- The 1 thing that you’re hoping to finish or get a really good jump on

Cost: These classes are now offered through The Hatchery Community

Meet Your Instructor, Amanda

Real Estate. Network Marketing. Construction. Lease Management. Coworking Space.

Throughout my career, one thing has been the same…I’m in the business of people.

Helping someone get from Point A to Point B. I freaking love it and am grateful to do it now as a small business coach and online community leader.

When slinging referrals or sending client follow-up notes you can find me hanging with my husband Sean, daughter Ellie, and dog Nugget. We’re at a sporting event, outside, or traveling around to see friends!